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Here are my main projects.

Piggy Build Status Go Report Card

go gorm web

Piggy is a free, open source software designed to help you track and classify your spendings.

It provides features such as:

SDL Wrapper Build Status

c++ c++14 sdl

A free, open source and RAII-conform SDL wrapper written in C++14. Its goal is to make easier and safer to develop SDL programs with C++.

Short example:

sdl::Window window{"My Window", sdl::Size{500, 500}};
bool loop = true;
sdl::EventHandler handler; // Global event handler (for both keyboard and mouse)
handler.on_quit([&loop]() { loop = false; });
auto& mouse_handler = handler.get<sdl::MouseStateHandler>();
while (loop) {
  // ...

Useful links:

MatMath Build Status

c++ c++14 maths

A free, open source, header-only C++ API for mathematic operations on matrices. Provides two types of matrix:

Short example:

const mat::Matrix<int, 3, 3> mat1 = {
  1, 2, 3,
  4, 5, 6,
  7, 8, 9
mat::DynamicMatrix<int> mat2(3, 3);
mat2 = {
  3, 2, 1,
  6, 5, 4,
  9, 8, 7
const auto product = mat1 * mat2;
const auto identity = Matrix<int, 4, 4>::identity();